

(40M-069a) Jesus: Mark’s Gospel (Mark chapters 1-16)


Facebook Live Mark Bible Study Bundle- BARGAIN BUY! – 3 studies, 10% off:

Discover the whole of Mark’s Gospel in three 40 Minute books – Jesus: Experiencing His Touch; Jesus: Listening for His Voice and Jesus: Understanding His Death and Resurrection.  Gain a deeper understanding of the Gospel and grow in your spiritual walk with the Lord.

JESUS: EXPERIENCING HIS TOUCH – 40 minute Bible Study by Kay Arthur & David Arthur

Delve into “Jesus: Experiencing his Touch” and the amazing stories in this powerful Bible study. Discover the difference it makes engaging with Jesus personally. Similarly, experience His touch in your life.

JESUS: LISTENING FOR HIS VOICE- 40 Minute Bible study by Kay Arthur & David Arthur

Align yourself with the One who is Truth. Start listening for Jesus with this Bible Study and experience for yourself the freedom that comes from truly listening for and following the voice of the Saviour.

JESUS: UNDERSTANDING HIS DEATH AND RESURRECTION – 40 Minute Bible Study by Kay Arthur & David Arthu

Understand as never before, why it’s so essential to share with others the good news of His death and resurrection. More importantly, understand why we of all people have the greatest hope and assurance in Jesus’s death and resurrection.

If you have never used a 40 Minute Bible study before, why not check out our YouTube channel here for content on how to use this resource and many more other study tools in the Precept catalog? Our channel even includes interactive studies where you can study along with us in the Precept studio.


Additional Information

Book of the Bible
No homework
Length of Study
6 lessons each book
Training Required to Lead
Not required but helpful