

A lifetime of stories and in a few short days Precept study brought me to a new understanding. Thank you


This is the first method I’ve found for studying the Bible, in a group, that makes each of us concentrate on each word, in its context, and also remembering that Scripture is the best interpreter of Scripture. This is what I have been wanting for over 20 years.


I am so grateful to God for this method of Bible study. There is for me a sense of excitement and wonder as I experience a deeper understanding of God, His character, His compassion, His longing for all to be reconciled to Him through His Son Jesus Christ.

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Be Equipped,
and Established

With the Precept Bible School

Be Equipped, Be Encouraged and Be Established

The Precept Bible School equips students with skills and tools to know God better through learning how to accurately handle the Word of God, so they can discover truth for themselves. Be encouraged as you study alongside others, who are keen to see the kingdom of God grow in number and maturity and be established in the Word of God as you seek to unpack the scriptures through the Precept Study method. The Precept Bible School is run online, offering students flexibility and unique resources, training and ongoing support.

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I’ve done precept before it’s a great reminder of slowing down. So often you can read a Bible plan and you can skip over the actual part where God would like to speak to you, so this weekend has been about Malachi (Prepared PBS)  but it’s also been great to be reminded of slowing down, looking at those key words and interrogating scripture. But more importantly the application of it where does it apply in our lives? If you want to develop your relationship with God, then this method of study would be the way to develop that relationship.

– Quintin ( on the Malachi: Prepared Precept Bible School)

I think at first i thought it was a little bit junior, but i soon got into the idea that ir really helps it helps your mind pick out important points rather than sort of scooting over the surface, but getting your mind focussed and picking out things you’ve never noticed before. I enjoy the fellowship, I enjoy studying with people who are really keen to understand the Lord and his word. So it’s really nice to meet people who are really thirsty and hungry for the Lord, I’ll definitely be back.

– Fliss (On the Ruth: Hope Precept Bible School)

Upcoming Precept Bible School Events

Click below to find out more about all of our upcoming Precept Bible Schools.

14-17th February 2025 Precept Bible School Online – KEPT: Contend for the Faith (Jude)
16-18th May 2025 Precept Bible School Online – FAITHFUL: A Man and a Woman for Such a Time as This (Esther)
17-20th October 2025 Precept Bible School Online – COMPLETE: You, Blameless at His Coming (1 Thessalonians)